OMFIT users agreement

By hitting the SUBMIT button, you are agreeing to the OMFIT terms and conditions as stated in this form:

All code sources are copyrighted by the main author Orso Meneghini and collaborators. The authors will continue to release development versions of the OMFIT suite, and respond to requests for assistance, bug-fixes and documentation as time permits.

In turn for access to the OMFIT code, the recipient agrees:
* not to distribute the original or any modified versions of the source code to any third parties at any time,
* to inform the first author of each code module of planned research using that module,
* prior to publication, to communicate any significant results derived from OMFIT to the main authors, and if requested provide the opportunity for a courtesy review of the publication,
* to include in any published results the proper code name(s) and appropriate reference [1],
* in published work, to include results from official sources only; results from modified sources should only published with explicit consent from the main author.

Also, the user must understand that OMFIT is an evolving code and that as new versions are released, that results obtained from the code may vary from results obtained using previous versions.

[1] For OMFIT: Orso MENEGHINI and Lang LAO, Plasma Fusion Res. 8, 2403009 (2013).

We love our international community, but please respond in English. Additionally, if there is a romanization of your name, please use that instead of the original characters.

* Required

Email from your institution. --NOT-- your personal,,, ... email.

Version to be used: *
Will you be running your own copy of OMFIT or one of the publicly available installations?

Tell us a few words, so we can help you get started! (e.g. What is the intended physics application? What modules do you plan on using? What codes do you intend to integrate? Analyzing data from which devices? Do you need access to the OMFIT source code?)

Also, we have an OMFIT User Group meeting each Monday at 11:30 AM Pacific Time on the OMFIT Discord in the "user group meeting" channel.